At the beginning
I think that you have heard the word tennis at least once in your life. But you hardly know about tennis unless you are tennis professional or expert.
So today, I'll write about tennis. Please read it if you interested.
The tennis is two kinds roughly. About lawn tennis and soft tennis. Lawn tennis is more famous and major than soft tennis. Lawn tennis is said to be “tennis” in Japanese. Soft tennis is said to be “soft tennis” in Japanese.
When do you think the origin of tennis? Actually it is thought that the tennis was played in the 15th century B.C. The first tennis is said to have been played in Egypt. Later years, it reached ancient Roman Empire and France in the 8th century. In ancient Roman Empire, people in Roman made a ball made of the skin with feather spherically. And they aim to a partner and throw it. Then partner beat at it by hand each other. It called “Follis”. Follis was enjoyed in a field. In France, it was enjoyed as noble or monastery plays. Especially in monastery, it is said to have been performed flourishingly. they set a net in a courtyard and the room of the monastery and drew a line, and the game that hit the ball with a hand came to be performed. It was said to Le jeu de paume. After that Le jeu de paume was transmitted to royal family. The tennis (the competition that became the model) was carried out flourishingly here too. It is different from modern tennis in the tennis of the imperial family at the point where a game begins in the place where a servant throws a ball into the court. People who play tennis did not use the racket but use their hand or globe at the time. People have begun to use the racket from the 14th century in Italy. Certainly they started to use the racket, but it is different from the tennis that we go for now. For example, material of racket, ball, court. So I’ll write about when and who started design model of the present tennis.
It is Walter Clopton Wingfield to have designed modern tennis. He is an officer, and the rank is a major. In December 1873, he held garden party and invited a lot of guest. Then he designed it as entertainment to please a visitor. The characteristic of the thing which he designed is a form of the tennis court. Please look at the bottom. The tennis court which Wingfield designed is form of bow tie type. He tried to take various licenses because he feel possibility of the tennis. But he did not get the license. Although he was not able to take the licenses, the competition of tennis has spread in United State of America and United Kingdom. An official game of the tennis is held in 1877. At this time, tennis almost resembled modern tennis which we know.